弊社お客様 商品ご紹介

今後 弊社が支援させていただいております 事業者様の商品をご紹介していきます



■事業内容:水面養殖及び淡水魚加工 販売、化粧品販売及び輸出、加熱性水産物加工食品製造





女将の最初の気づきから鯉に含まれる美容成分を詳しく分析したところ 鯉にはたくさんのコラーゲンが含まれていることがわかりました。


こうして鯉の隠れた美容成分の活用を試み 鯉から抽出したコラーゲンアミノ酸を詰め込んで出来たのが オールインワン化粧品 COI(シーオーワン)です。



Story: The proprietress of a carp cuisine restaurant noticed that the chef’s hands were smooth and beautiful. Despite the daily tasks that heavily strain the hands, they were surprisingly free of roughness. When she inquired about this, she found out that there was nothing particularly special the chef was doing.

From the proprietress’s initial observation, a detailed analysis of the beauty components contained in carp revealed that carp is rich in collagen.

Carp has long been known as a beauty food, favored by the world’s renowned beauty Ono no Komachi. However, it was discovered that the carp itself is packed with beauty components.

Thus, in an attempt to utilize the hidden beauty components of carp, the all-in-one cosmetic product “COI” (C-O-I) was created, filled with collagen amino acids extracted from carp.

Please give it a try.

You can purchase it here.




于是,为了利用鲤鱼隐藏的美容成分,创造出了全效合一的化妆品 “COI”(C-O-I),其中充满了从鲤鱼中提取的胶原蛋白氨基酸。
